Bauhaus font

Bauhaus font in use

Conceived in the 1920s, the Bauhaus font draws inspiration from the influential German Bauhaus art school, with Herbert Bayer being a key figure behind its geometric design. This avant-garde, sans-serif typeface eschews ornamentation for function, embodying the Bauhaus mantra of form following function. With its minimalist, clean lines and geometric shapes, Bauhaus is one of my personal favorites, and has been a go-to choice for everything from logo design to architectural lettering, proving its lasting relevance in the world of typography.

Click on the button below to download your own free copy of the Bauhaus font, and start creating unique and interesting designs and images today. It comes in a TTF font format so that you can quickly and easily install it on either a PC or Mac computer. The Bauhaus font-family comes complete with a full set of uppercase and lowercase glyphs.


Bauhaus font generator

Use our free Bauhaus font generator below to create your own custom design logo or image. Enter your text, select a font, choose a font size, and pick your favorite colors. Hit the Generate button and your logo/image is created and ready to download.

Generated image