Dior font

image of the official Dior font

The Dior font that is used in the official logo for the luxurious French fashion and goods company is a serif typeface by the name of Nicolas Cochin. It was designed and created by a font author who goes by the name of Georges Peignot, and was first published via the URW Type Foundry in 1946.

Dior branding

As a fashion company, Dior was founded in 1946 by the French fashion designer who revolutionized women’s fashion. Pietro Beccari has been CEO of Christian Dior Couture since 2018. Dior sells shoes and clothing exclusively through Dior boutiques and Haute Couture through the Christian Dior Couture division. In his first collection, Christian Dior revolutionized post-war fashion with the phenomenal success of the New Look. In every collection, you’ll find flowers. The garden created by his mother Madeleine in their Granville home instilled in him a love of flowers that he carried through his life. This inspired the floral theme.

Typeface used in the DIOR logo

Dior’s text is elegant, a powerful representation of the company and its values. Usually, it is displayed in a serif font style and generally displayed on a black background. The font style is typically white. In this case, the branding is shown off more seriously, conveying a stronger sense of brand identity and professionalism. Additionally, the text in the logo is all uppercase and the only element of the logo. The lettering is thinly spaced.

Categories: Fashion Fonts , Professional