Wednesday is a well known US tv series that gives viewers an insight into the enigmatic world of the Addams Family, those delightful oddballs created by Charles Addams. The series unfurls the supernatural escapades of the family’s goth-chic daughter, Wednesday Addams, during her academic stint at the eerie Nevermore Academy.
The official font that is used in the Wednesday tv series is in fact a custom-crafted typeface. However, its aesthetic doppelganger, aptly named ‘Wednesday Font,’ is available below for the taking. Drenched in somber blacks and moody purples, the font features ornate serifs and intricate swirls that echo Wednesday’s own darkly elegant demeanor. The best part? You can download this font for personal use, free of charge. Get your copy of this cool Wednesday-inspired typeface below.
Use our free Wednesday font generator tool below to create your own custom design logo or image. Enter your text, select a font, choose a font size, and pick your favorite colors. Hit the Generate button and your logo/image is created and ready to download.
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